Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Breaking News: Occupy Dallas Evicted by Riot Police.

      Once again, we have another top secret, night time raid on Occupy Dallas protesters, with excessive force and violence, caused by police in riot gear.  Here is a partial timeline courtesy WFAA, Dallas.

1:15a Dallas police have been building their presence around the Occupy Dallas campground for about two hours; many campers left with valuables, but others remain as police issue final warnings. - Jason Whitely, WFAA

1:20a "Frankly, it's a grossly disproportionate use of force," said Jonathan Winocour, an attorney representing Occupy Dallas. "It's very aggressive, in-your face policing. This is reminiscent of some nascent police state." He said this is an act of civil disobedience. "There's a sense that things didn't work out the way we thought they were going to work out," Winocuour said, adding that  he estimated that 15-20 protesters would be arrested.  -Monika Diaz, WFAA

1:30a Dallas City Council member Angela Hunt was alerted to the Occupy Dallas raid by media reports she saw on Twitter. "The police presence here seems very much like overkill and not a very good use of our resources," she said. "I'm troubled that our City Manager did not consult with the City Council prior to taking this action." Hunt said City Manager Mary Suhm sent Council members an e-mail about the police action at 11:45 p.m. "We did not have sufficient notice, nor did the peaceful protesters," Hunt said. "I think this could have been handled in a much better fashion." -Monika Diaz, WFAA

   More information as soon as it is available.